

Serving a machine learning model’s predictions through AWS Lambda and API Gateway

In one of my projects, I worked on persisting the periodic output of an already developed machine learning model after enriching it with some metadata and then serving this enriched output through an API on AWS API Gateway.


Building an end-to-end machine learning pipeline as a microservice

In one of my projects, my work focused on building end-to-end machine learning pipelines for training and inference phases of a machine learning model. Head over to this post for diving into those, component by component.


Enrolling in Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Specialization MOOC for free

This year, I enrolled in Andrew Ng's awesome Deep Learning Specialization series consisting of 5 different courses on Coursera; all for free. While chatting with people about this, I realized that people usually don't know to what extend you can make use of the course material when you enroll for free. So I wanted to share my experiences here and I hope it helps someone.
